Principles of LIMITED FORK THEORY: THE STUDY OF INTERACTING SYSTEMS revealed here! Increase the range of possible outcomes in acts of making. Visit TINE TIMES cyber workshop & Limited Fork Playspace—a POAM CREATION STATION. Try out ways to extend creative range & transform framing systems with applied Limited Fork THEORY. (poams are products of acts of making)
What is still folding and unfolding is, by folding and unfolding, becoming a kind of respiration of the idea system, and that may be useful for this eccentric channeling I'm engaging in now: every post is now accompanied by Gort and The Stig with whom I share mental breathing space —I am at home (comfortably folded into what is folding into me) in this recent and not fully-built triumvirate. What flexible architectures surround my own flexible architecture of being and perceiving —even the anarchy of body, the rebel limbs that feel free to reject orders from the brain and experience whatever they want, fingertips convinced and secure in their exclusive reality of fingertips that are really jacks, these jacks hardly privy only to the history of the game, but, within the flexibility and flexibility's able collaborator: anarchy, these fingertip jacks are transformations (evolutions that when sped up function also as enchantments, even miraculous departures from what is possible in this external reality system, but only the ordinary in the reality the fingertips generate in their independence); these fingertip jacks are transformations of the anther and filament structure of flowers, the structure that produces pollen, that invites and welcomes honeybees (known as a keystone spacies) who started disappearing a couple of years ago, as if snatched away in spaceships to pollinate flowers also abducted to beautify alien worlds that would be barren without these abductions —only for the sake of beauty, including the beauty of the fantasy. Necessary abductions from the point of view of the abductors. It was no longer possible to live without the beauty of flowers, the fragrances of beauty, the growth of beauty from seeds as hard as rocks, as hard as fortresses protecting the possibility of flowering within.
As Wisit says on Top Design: no one can deny the beauty of flowers, no being from any planet, from any where that is a where... The disappearance of the honeybee, a subtraction from the flexible (and sometimes fragile) architecture of a system of reality (this world) that as a consequence, as an interaction with that subtraction —an interaction with negative bees— leads also to a loss of flowers. No bees, no flowers. (...a situation suitable for opera; an opera suited to Wisit, who can sound like flowers, the lament of the last wilt, beautiful aria, each note a petal). I wonder what strange pollen the strange anther and filament system of my fingertips produce, perhaps a pollen so strange, the bees cannot use it, so my fingertips do not blossom —unless alien modified bees return on spacecraft in search of just this variety of pollen that my modified fingertips produce, and then there may be crops of very special flowers like those that transformed Mr. Spock in This Side of Paradise (episode #24 of Star Trek TOS), a paradise that is still in the future, just as we remain on this side of the future, on this side of where we are ultimately going, an irreversible ending, arrival at a boundary of destination beyond which there is nothing, a vanishing that perhaps can also be an extreme compacting toward infinite density that in approaching infinity explodes, and a universe begins blossoming.
* (Diagram of flower anatomy is from Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum) (The image of jacks is from (The image of Mr. Spock kissing Leila in a romance with an alien flower is from Wikpedia)
Gort & The Stig are my obstructions, invaders of my now (penetration all the way to the core of the moment, a sit-in saucer-style* center of a GAS universe: the GORT- &-STIG-verse, v1.1), agents both against and for, via twists, via other manipulation sets, larger relevance, significance, agents that take humanity to and from exaggerated elevated states and profound prolonged descents; they are worthy and unworthy vehicles, part of the world of humans, related to humanity without having to conform to humanity's boundaries that they, when outside humanity, help define and restrict.
Some say his teeth control the quality of the irons approved for use in extreme ironing and that his tastebuds are carbon fiber gum balls shrunken by his pulse; all we know is he's called The Stig
Here they are: The Stig & The Anti-Stig (GORT edition)
Here they are again: The Anti-Stig (GORT Edition) & The Stig:
In Limited Fork Theory, collage as an information and intersection set need not maintain consistency or continuity of form, duration, space, scale, substance, time, and/or configuration, for instance.
Collage system components (systems & subsystems themselves) need not touch directly, need not maintain close proximity —as in celestial collages known as a constellations or star perceptual systems.
Depth ceases to register, ceases to have relevance for the human eye at such distance.
As if infinity compounded by infinity, not the same infinite distance from us, some theoretically further, some mathematically closer though without relative difference on the impact on what seems equally unviewable; equally infinitely distant through unassisted human eyes, including the extended viewing imagination can amp up.
For a moment, I return to Limited Fork Theory's humble start,
the first theory video (from 2005): DOD: the death of depth:
(a Limited Fork Theory root system, and from it, these new, these further, these extended, these growing,
these continuing bifurcations)
Here is what happens to this centered poam expressed as text, this anchor point system, this bifurcation station, this language system hub
as it interacts further, extends, enhances, confounds, transforms
in acts of kaleidoscopic symmetry in forms of translation,
in forms of multidirectional journeys through/in/besides/etc. language systems:
English - French - English - German - English - Italian - English - Portuguese - English - Spanish - English
Original English Text: As if infinity compounded by infinity, not the same infinite distance from us, some theoretically further, some mathematically closer though without relative difference on the impact on what seems equally unviewable; equally infinitely distant through unassisted human eyes, including the extended viewing imagination can amp up.
Translated to French: Comme si infini composé par infini, pas la même distance infinie de nous, un certain théoriquement autre, un certain mathématiquement plus étroit cependant sans différence relative sur l'impact sur ce qui semble également unviewable ; yeux humains sans aide traversants également infiniment éloignés, y compris le bidon étendu ampère d'imagination de visionnement vers le haut.
Translated back to English: Like so infinite composed by infinite, not the same infinite distance from us, some theoretically other, some mathematically narrower however without relative difference on the impact on what seems also unviewable; human eyes without beams assistance also infinitely distant, including the wide can amp of imagination of viewing upwards.
Translated to German: Wie so endloses theoretisch bestanden durch endloses, nicht der gleiche endlose Abstand von uns, einige anderes, irgendein mathematisch schmaleres jedoch ohne relativen Unterschied auf der Auswirkung auf, was auch unviewable scheint; menschliche Augen ohne die Lichtstrahlunterstützung auch unendlich entfernt, einschließlich die breite Dose Ampere von Phantasie von aufwärts ansehen.
Translated back to English: Like so endless theoretically insisted by endless, not the same endless distance from us, some other, any mathematically narrower however without relative difference on the effect up, which also unviewable seems; human eyes without the light beam support also infinitely removes, including which ampere of fantasy from upward regard broad box.
Translated to Italian: Come così infinito insistito teoricamente da infinito, non la stessa distanza infinita da noi, un certo altro, qualsiasi matematicamente più stretto tuttavia senza differenza relativa sull'effetto in su, che egualmente unviewable sembra; gli occhi umani senza il supporto del raggio di luce egualmente infinitamente rimuove, includendo che ampère della fantasia dalla vasta casella di riguardo ascendente.
Translated back to English: Like therefore infinitely insistito theoretically from infinite, not the same infinite distance from we, a sure other, whichever mathematically more strait however without relative difference on the effect in on, than equally unviewable seems; the human eyes without the support of the light beam equally infinitely remove, including that to ampère of the fantasy from the immense case of ascending care.
Translated to Portuguese: Como conseqüentemente infinita o insistito teòrica de infinita, não a mesma distância infinita dos nós, uns outros certos, qualquer matematicamente mais strait entretanto sem diferença relativa no efeito dentro, do que ingualmente unviewable parece; os olhos humanos sem a sustentação do feixe luminoso removem ingualmente infinita, including aquele ao ampère do fantasy do exemplo immense de cuidado ascending.
Translated back to English: As consequently infinite the teòrica insistito of infinite, not it same infinite pitch of we, some other certainties, any mathematically more strait however without relative difference in the effect inside, of that ingualmente unviewable seems; the human eyes without the sustentation of the luminous beam remove infinite ingualmente, including that one to the ampere of fantasy of the immense example of care ascending.
Translated to Spanish: Como por lo tanto infinito el insistito del teòrica de infinito, no él la misma echada infinita de nosotros, algunas otras certezas, matemáticamente más estrecho sin embargo sin diferencia relativa en el efecto adentro, de ese ingualmente unviewable nos parecemos; los ojos humanos sin la sustentación de la viga luminosa quitan el ingualmente infinito, incluyendo aquél al amperio de la fantasía del ejemplo inmenso del cuidado que asciende.
Translated back to English: Like therefore infinitely the insistito of the teòrica of infinite, not infinite same he thrown it of us, some other certainties, mathematically more Straits nevertheless without relative difference in the effect inside, of that ingualmente unviewable we look like; the human eyes without the sustenation of the luminous beam clear ingualmente infinitely, including that one to the ampere of the fantasy of the immense example of the care that ascends.
In these transactions of translation, the exchanges are multidirectional;
not completelosses, but twistings, nudges, replacements, substitutions;
attempts to work on a puzzle —so there is some sense of expecting possibilities of resolutions,
enough provided, a substantial enough stepping-stone so that what is next
take on increased likelihood of connection with something, of the accessing of something
in both (or more) directions,
the center returned to, marked with information
from the transaction, from the connecting, and then bifurcates again,
connects again, is marked with information of these interactions,
the initial conditions (that limit what's possible to the infinities bounded by the context established
by the active set of initial conditions of each transaction)
Flux System Word Map
English gives to and receives partialities of partialities from French gives to and receives partialities of partialities from English gives to and receives partialities of partialities from German gives to and receives partialities of partialities from English gives to and receives partialities of partialities from Italian gives to and receives partialities of partialities from English gives to and receives partialities of partialities from Portuguese gives to and receives partialities of partialities from English gives to and receives partialities of partialities from Spanish gives to and receivespartialities of partialities from English
Perceptual flatness links and lassos stars onto a single plane,
often with the apparent uniformity of a necklace —such as these radiant beads:
and so we dress up the sky, seeing something that can be perceived as great even without details present through lenses
of telescopes —I'm hearing LeAnn Womack'sI Hope You Dance right here...
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder You get your fill to eat But always keep that hunger May you never take one single breath for granted God forbid love ever leave you empty handed I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens Promise me you'll give fate a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance I hope you dance
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance Never settle for the path of least resistance Living might mean taking chances But they're worth taking Lovin' might be a mistake But it's worth making Don't let some hell bent heart Leave you bitter When you come close to selling out Reconsider Give the heavens above More than just a passing glance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance (Time is a wheel in constant motion always) I hope you dance (Rolling us along) I hope you dance (Tell me who) I hope you dance (Wants to look back on their years and wonder) (Where those years have gone)
I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance Dance I hope you dance I hope you dance (Time is a wheel in constant motion always) I hope you dance (Rolling us along) I hope you dance (Tell me who) (Wants to look back on their years and wonder) I hope you dance (Where those years have gone)
(Tell me who) I hope you dance (Wants to look back on their years and wonder) (Where those years have gone)
In establishing connections across scale, space, form, time, links to and from hubs or anchor points —bifurcation stations—
(which any point can be, any point from any scale);
in making connections, what is mapped is a collage of interactions, a warped or here-and-there regular (for a duration of time) proxy-extended kaleidoscopic symmetry (from American Mathematical Society)
(a symmetry of close relationships that extend & enhance identities, that bring together, construct, no matter how brief the union, how ultimately [assuming such ultimate exists] [un]successful the unification, evidence that there was unification marks participants; information of unification becomes part of the components of interaction, one of the collaborators in close relationships such as shadows, echoes, and reflections and approximations of such) in which a logic of connection forms sufficient similarity or purpose that extends this pattern of logic, forming a symmetry of logic that can manifest
in any, in multiple forms on any, on multiple scales in any, in multiple locations at any, at multiple times for any, for multiple intervals and/or durations.
The logic can link visual, sonic, olfactory, tactile, cognitive, imaginative structures, patterns, hunches, errors, etc., these linked tines often aesthetically pleasing, often jarring —depending, depending, depending—
perhaps helped into acquiring such configuration or (flexible) frame by desire/curiosity/need to construct it, that information encouraging that which is or can become findable according to the search parameters to be more likely to be found; the information becomes biased/oriented/directed through interacting with the search used to investigate, used to understand; this unfolding of the possible unfoldings marks the reality available to be perceived/detected.
Metaphor can function as a tool-kit or tool system for forging liasons between at least two entities (either end/any end of metaphor can split into any number of tines, and the ends of metaphor do not have to split into the same quantity of tines.) Metaphor is not only transformation or morphing of something(s) into other thing(s), but it is also travel, route, path as well as vehicle; a transport system, for implicit in transformation is movement from configuration to configuration, and what can be transformed includes that possibility that destination(s) and point(s) of departure do link, do come together on some scale in some location for some duration of time on some scale
metaphor becomes a tool for navigating whatever is/was/becomes navigable. Metaphor travels within a kaleidoscopic symmetry it makes/identifies.
Metaphor is also a form of collage (as are text poams).
The collage may be layered, convoluted, warped; have widely varying densities, may take on the regularity of a quilt or agricultural fields, may be the universe, the brain and its content, cellular structures.
These two ads offer fused or stacked collages in which metaphor is embedded/is the vehicle of fusion, how bean and burger converged, how mustache and hat merged with identity; text other than the language of placement of the hat is minimal:
it's the hat
So I set out on a really big road trip through as much kaleidoscopic symmetry as I could find/make:
yes I was looking for The Stig
--and I found Gort--
a reverent & irreverent twin study
—yes; The Stig's personal ancestry includes his life and work as Gort.
His better-than-monkish silence, his unprecedented driving skills (licensed for light years), and his love of Theremin alien lullabies prepared him to get around the universe in tune —but that was a dream job from which The Stig has retired
to drive vehicles on Top Gear in a circle the diameter of the Gort-guarded flying saucer spacecraft in the 1951 release of Day the Earth Stood Still, the film in which Klaatu through Michael Rennie made the earth still for thirty minutes, to the delight of Sam Jaffe as Professor Barnhardt, physicist, and Einstein substitute (a la Equal Brand sweetener) whose equation (identified by Klaatu as a problem in celestial mechanics) is accelerated by the space traveler's help
on a chalkboard Hilda was about to erase before Klaatu's caution against that erasure startles her.
I also like (kaleidoscoping further) Sam Jaffe also as the medical guru heading Ben Casey's Hospital
whose man woman birth death infinity
linked well with gort klaatu barata nictoe
as echoes and translations —a Limited Fork Theory system of kaleidoscopic symmetry,
and Patricia Neal's saying as Helen Benson gort klaatu barata nictoe
did indeed mean that a matter of life and death had surfaced, as this apparent infinite loop of birth and death has always been for the abbreviated always that humanity can already claim.
So round and round the loop drives The Stig, as fast as he can for the love of orbits
within what's possible for the vehicles he pilots: the body (whether robot, terminator-in-training or something else, oddly fantastic circular melange) in The Stig suit and helmet and the car.
Professor Barnhard's equation:
Einstein writing equation on blackboard (close-up): (from corbis)
Standing still is the death of Limited Fork which depends on, move with, lives as interaction, as motion, as event, as evidence thereof; so when the earth stood still, there were marks of prior motion, evidence of ceased activity; the fork limited to artifact, at rest; the fork not forking, but forked to death, the tines more etched and defined, the kaleidoscope fixed, singular perspective, no way to turn what could be a dial if turned; an unvisited gallery in which no movement results in no visitation if nothing moves.
So I am intrigued by that Day on which there were ethical exceptions to what was stilled; a beauty of exception, a marvelousness of exclusion.
Maybe a last act before immobility will be a meeting of all tines, a converging movement into an ultimate entanglement, a tying into a bow as a gift of peace, still(ed) moment? if time has stopped? still(ed) day/night? if day/night/time has stopped? Light is event, and stops. Darkness is event? State of being dark? Active darkness? Or the appearance of cessation itself, the look and feel of cessation?
Singularity? Outcome of the fusion of everything multiplied by the zero that is part of an all-inclusive all-embracing everything.
Solved and unsolved universes
Further kaleidoscopic perspectives in a collage system of travel toward a gift of meaning:
Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 warning of hope excerpt:
and a remix, a double take, a delayed twin, updated, clone raised apart yet interacting with certain gist, certain marks,
certain fields of information: